There is comfort and excitement in seasons changing as we head to new beginnings. So many new colors, new activities, and experiences. This includes eating new foods.  As seasons change, the foods we eat change as well. But knowing what those new foods are is not always so easy. Fortunately, we live in a place where there is always an abundance of food, but because of that reason, we often don’t know what is or isn’t in season. We are consumers and the high demand for year-around food has made it possible for us to have off season food throughout the year. However, it is important that we educate ourselves about the foods in season as there are great benefits to eating seasonal foods. 

Mother Nature is very wise and just as foods are seasonal, our human bodies were made to eat during the seasons as well. In the recent years, eating locally and seasonally seems like a “fad” but in actuality, this idea has been around for centuries. In an ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda, there is a term for eating seasonally called, Ritucharya. The idea is that eating seasonally both helps keep you healthy and prevent disease. This can be applied worldwide because local seasonal foods are not only healthier, but taste better and are cheaper.  Interestingly enough, our bodies tend to crave seasonal foods because our bodies ask for the nutrients they need when they need them. This is one reason why you may find yourself craving richer, warmer foods like squash or pumpkin when fall comes around. 

Foods that are in season also come with a much greater nutritional value. Studies support the fact that foods that are grown and consumed during their seasonal time, actually contain higher levels of vitamins and nutrients. When grown out of season, the foods cannot grow naturally and so farmers have to add or modify them to grow properly. On the contrary, natural seasonal food does not have to be given fertilizers or additives to grow and, therefore, is much fresher and even more colorful due to its nutritional content. 

So as we enter fall, what are some of the seasonal foods that we can consume more of?

Example of these include, Brussel sprouts, pumpkin, squash, apples, broccoli, cabbage. Carrots, cauliflower, celery, chicory fennel, figs, garlic, grapes, leeks, mushrooms, onions, shallots, pears, persimmons, pomegranates, potatoes, quince, radishes, and sweet potatoes.

In addition to health and flavor,  eating seasonally, also helps environment, your wallet and farmers. Because there is more supply, you are actually paying less for seasonal fresh produce and helping the farmers at the same time. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Finally, there is some aspect of he emotional  connection to eating seasonally as well.  Foods bring us back to memories in our past and when we eat foods seasonally, they bring us back to those specific moments of the years where we have created traditions and memories with family and friends. So what memories can you start creating this year around eating healthy Fall Foods? You can make or bake something with your family at home, invite friends over, or go out to eat to a place that offer these fresh healthy foods like Grater Greens. Not only will enjoy yourself, but you will feel better too! 

For a complete list of Fall Foods in North America, check out the following link.

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